Hello Mr. Renwick,,I am corresponding with you in hopes to see if I can – Glenn M Renwick email address

Mr. Maurice S. Joseph sent a message to Glenn M. Renwick - Chief Executive Officer and President of Progressive Corporation - Email Address that said:

Hello Mr. Renwick,,I am corresponding with you in hopes to see if I can get Fair Treatment.My policy number is 14502150-2. I have been with Progressive at least 5 or 6 years and I have been told by your staff that I am a Platinum Member,but by the past treatment of Progressive Ive been made to feel like a Pewter Level member. I have much to say but I want to send a letter to you to tell you this dillema that I find myself in with Progressive. Please send me an adress that I may send amy letter to you telling you of the situation that I find myself in with Progressive Insurance.Please Reply A.S.A.P.-Thank You-Mr. Maurice S.Joseph 05/21/2017

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