Hello Mr. Schulman, I am coming to you pleading for your assistance to recover the – Daniel H Dan Schulman email address

TKeyah Dupclay sent a message to Dan Schulman President and CEO of PayPal Email Address that said:

Hello Mr. Schulman, I am coming to you pleading for your assistance to recover the funds of $375.89. I have begged your company to just reverse the transaction. The original transfers were from prepaid cards both in my name. I was asked to turn in documents but do to the cards being prepaid, I dont receive a bank statement. I understand it may not seem like a lot of money but i worked hard for it. I just want a refund. I also have documentation to confirm the amount. Now my accounts are just being closed and my money is unaccounted for and I am on vacation. please feel free to contact me ate your earliest convenience at 909.332.4852. Thank you in advance, TKeyah Dupclay

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