Emmanuel sent a message to Larry Ellison Co-Founder and CEO, Oracle Corporation – email address that said:
Hello My Name is Emmanuel, an average guy with a not so average life. I'm trying to support my wife by getting her through school, working my 9-5, overtime, and 2 extra jobs on the side. Recently i got into a car accident which left me short on accumulating more money to pay for school on her behalf. I appreciate any contribution you donate from my wife and I both. Her dreams are so much closer that I know a big difference will be made none the less. Please let good friends of yours know, spread the word for me, cause people will think to themselves if You are doing it then these must be good people. Whoever you feel comfortable with. I tried to save you the sappy story cause we all have a story, mines might not be worse than someone else so i keep it respectable as a man. Again please and Thank you.
I swear its not a spam or a anything, my telephone number and info is on the site and anything to show the difference you're making will be posted.
The Link is below