Hello! My name is Jacob Dobbs and I am from Edmond Memorial High School and – Clifford Hudson email address

Jacob Dobbs sent a message to J. Clifford Hudson Chairman and CEO, Sonic Corp. email address that said:

Hello! My name is Jacob Dobbs and I am from Edmond Memorial High School and I currently serve on my schools Student Council. Every year Edmond Memorial hosts a philanthropy week called "Swine Week" that benefits an organization in need. This year is our 32nd year and we could not be happier to be benefitting Make Promises Happen. Make Promises Happen is a program of Central Christian Camp and Conference Center that provides outdoor recreational opportunities to individuals ages 6 and older with special needs. MPH needs our help building a new conference center for their camp and we could use your help too. Anything would help us make this organizations wish come true and we would love for you to be involved. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact me and I would love to give you more information. Thank you for your consideration!

Jacob B. Dobbs

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