Hello, My name is Nick . I am an industrial engineer at UPS. My dad – Edward Lampert email address

Nick sent a message to Edward Lampert – Chairman and CEO of Sears Holdings – Email Address that said:


My name is Nick. I am an industrial engineer at UPS. My dad, Michael has worked for sears for over 40 years. He is the most dedicated,passionate and focused employee you have, period. My dad and I are in the OBX now fishing and having a great time bonding. Eddie, your company has so much potential to completely change and capture what this company once was.

The first problem is the vision the second problem is management execution. The primary cause of these downfalls are the culture change. I believe that change ia good, but too much change without the vision being accepted will inevitably erode any chance of success.

There comes a point when people become too comfortable with their own ideas and only accept the yes man mentality. You need someone who has been on the front line of your business to be able to share their thoughts and ideas. My dad is comfortable and content with where he is. This also means that he has a very clear view and understanding of the customer and the business. He is simple and effective. Retention,morale, clear and realistic logistics and expectations is overall what he believes can dramatically change the future of the company. Im writing you because I believe you will read this and possibly entertain the suggestions.

While Trump focuses on "Making America Great, again! I suggest you try the same strategy with your company that has been around for over a hundred years. If your not busy, join us down at the OBX, we'll save a fishing spot for you, along with a corona and cigar. We are at Mile post 19. I believe. I would love to see my dad help his CEO turn around his company.



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