Hi Anant, I am a disgruntled senior (as per HCL HR standards) ex-employee (40121031) of HCL – Anant Gupta email address

Sasidhar sent a message to Anant Gupta, President and CEO, HCL Technologies Limited that said:

Hi Anant

I am a disgruntled senior (as per HCL HR standards) ex-employee (40121031) of HCL Technologies. I had joined HCL T in Aug 2004 with an intent of having a career. I was removed from HCL T as I was not performing. My work life was going okay till about my 3rd or 4th career year in HCLT when I had your esteemed employee Arjun R (40100005) was my RM from when there was a downslide culminating in my not being on HCL T payroll. The concern is that there is no HR contact from anyone in HCL to give me my service termination documents. There is nothing purportedly official to show that I was in HCL payroll from Aug 2nd 2004 till first week of Nov 2015. If this is the way to create entrepreneurs by firing them not giving opportunities when on payroll, I am okay with it but the service related documents have to be given to me. The form-16 and other related documents.

1. There was a DL that I managed to procure (fnfsettlementtech@hcl.com) for full and final settlement and there has been no acknowledgement or reply stating that they are working on this.

2. I hope to get your HCLT email id so that I can keep myself engaged in kind of periodically reminding you of how busy your full and final settlement team members are.

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