Hi. I have had a great experience investing through your company and planned… – Rodger O. Riney email address

ian sent a message to Rodger O. Riney Founder and CEO, Scottrade that said:

Hi. I have had a great experience investing through your company and planned to shift my 401 into a ira at Scottrade in the near future but I must say I am amazed at the sad decision you have made in the past month. I have been with Scottrade for more than ten years. 5 years ago I opened accounts for my three children to kick start their iras. I started them with 1000 and they built on that from there. I was ready to start my 3rd childs fund with 1000 only to find the minimum has changes to 2500. Whoever made that decision does not want young ones opening an account. 1000 is a reasonable amount for a 16 year old to save but 2500? Big disappointment and hope you will forward this to someone that can see that this is a big mistake Scottrade has made or has the business become so big they may not care anymore. Can't count the number of people I have recommended your company to over the years. You know first hand how most must start off in a small way.Thank you.

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