Hi, I recently got a case of bad luck delivered right to my doorstep. I – Brian C Cornell email address

Shaelee sent a message to Brian C. Cornell Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, Target Corporation – email address that said:

Hi, I recently got a case of bad luck delivered right to my doorstep. I am a young mother of 3 beautiful girl ages 6, 3, and 11 months (1 year next month). My car broke down and I have no way to go to work. I have a fairly decent job as a Correctional Officer with the Missouri Department of Corrections. I am in need of donations so I can buy a cheap car to be able to keep my job. Without a paycheck at the moment since I have been having to call in due to my car breaking down I cannot support my family. I have to feed my children and I was barely making enough to put food on the table as it was and now with no paycheck that is even harder. I dont even qualify for any assistance as they say I make too much....however my fridge and my cabinets beg to differ. I am asking for any donations Target would be able to offer whether it be monetary or otherwise as like I said I still need to feed my family. Expenses add up fast and with a child still in diapers (which I am close to being out of) and other growing children our household items are getting low. We are not asking for much and anything is appreciated greatly. I understand Target companies assist in donations and I am just begging for a little help back from Target. Thank you so much for your time and conaideration. Here is a link to our gofundme page for more info. Thanks again.

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