Hi my name is Raquel Vida Roberts, my Maiden name, Willis. I thought of writing – Doug McMillon email address

RAQUEL WILLIS sent a message to Doug McMillon - President and Chief Executive Officer of Walmart Stores, Inc. - Email Address that said:

Hi my name is Raquel Vida Roberts, my Maiden name, Willis. I thought of writing a letter first. I love Walmart, my Husband is an Army Veteran. Walmart has helped us afford food on the table. Thank you so much for great affordable prices. My Husband is studying in culinary school with his GI Bill. We have two little babies. Recently I have had dental needs, I dont have money to help me get the help I need for a tooth extraction, root canal and replacements for missing teeth. Im in need of help. I cant chew food without pain or discomfort. Can you help me pay for these Dental needs?
Thank you so much for your time.
Sincerely, Raquel Vida Roberts

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