Hi was with Vodafone but decided to your services in September 2015 I paid my – Vittorio Colao email address

Stephen sent a message to Vittorio Colao CEO, Vodafone that said:

Hi was with Vodafone but decided to your services in September 2015 I paid my mobile contract on the 15th September 2015 but my contract never got disconnected and got letters from debt collectors for money I already paid vodafone in September I rang vodafone customers services through out of January 2016 to sort vodafone problem as I was stressed and scared of my credit score as I have a mortgage to renew after nearly 20 hours trying to sort vodafone lack of service I went to trading standards and solicitors to see if I can get compensation for time waste and stress for me and my fiance who was terrified of debt collectors coming to our door with our newborn son had a phone call today of Dipesh Jagatia Vodafone Customer Relations offering g me 70 pounds to say sorry for what's happend I think it's a slap to the face this problem was vodafone fault nog mine if I did not pester for nearly 20 hours ill be no mortgage as my credit score would be affected by vodafone I am trying to get things sorted person to person rather than go through court and make it pupilc how vodafone treat British customers isn't vodafone a British company ?? Trading standards said they will back me up in court to Vodafone lack of foul play I had 3 different managers at Vodafone say they have closed my account and never did I got recordings to proof it I hope you take time to read this and have some compassion as I not a greed filled man but who attacks and will affect my family with their wrong actions not mine I will respond back twice as much as you would for your family all I am asking is money to reflect on time wasted on the phone to Vodafone and stress vodafone has brought to me and my fiance not asking for millions not even thousands but a honest and fair amount if I hear nothing in 5 days I will go pupilc with this and to courts think watchdog and dispatches would love this story hope to hear from you

Stephen John

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