Hi Wendy, My name is Olivia Antsis and I am the Director of the Philadelphia – Denise Morrison email address

Olivia Antsis sent a message to Denise Morrison President and CEO, Campbell Soup Company - email address that said:

Hi Wendy,

My name is Olivia Antsis and I am the Director of the Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival. I hope this e-mail finds you doing well.

This fall, we are screening an amazing documentary called LITTLE STONES, as part of our 37th Annual Film Festival.

Here is a trailer for the film: https://vimeo.com/227643012
Here is the films official website: https://www.littlestones.org/

As you can see, this film is about empowering women and making a real difference in the world. I believe this is a perfect film for the Campbell Soup company to get behind. If not the company, than you personally, as an individual sponsor. We would use the sponsorship to advertise the screening on radio and TV to assure a diverse audience, fly one of the four women who are featured in the film to the screening, provide accommodations in Philadelphia and a stipend for participating.

If you are interested in sponsoring this film, I would love to send you more information about our sponsorship levels and benefits. My e-mail is oantsis@gershmany.org.

I hope to hear from you soon!

Olivia Antsis
Director, PJFF

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