@hiltonworld – Christopher Nassetta – Dear Hilton, — (Christopher Nassetta), I like your hotels. Having said that, I Have tried

Juliette Mortimore sent a message to Christopher Nassetta that said:

Dear Hilton, --- (Christopher Nassetta),

I like your hotels.

Having said that, I Have tried, - off and on, for the better part of two whole years, to get into my account.

But, I cannot, - because of issues with pass-words. So, I stay at many other hotels, and I do not have the ‘Hilton’ hotel loyalty that I might have had, — due to the stupid pass-word problem.

There seems to be NO ONE THERE, - AT YOUR COMPANY, who I can simply call, email, or talk to about this. No One, - and I have tried.
( I am SO TIRED of being put on hold, --- even with a lousy chat-box. )

So, either help me to get into my account, - and give me credit for the SEVERAL HILTON PROPERTY STAYS, --- (that I have paid for, - over the past couple of years), or stop bothering me with promotional emails, that do not help me, — one bit.

Sincerely yours, Juliette Mortimore.

P.S., Let us see, - if any real person reads this, --- besides myself.

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