@HowieSchultz – Howard Schultz – WHO ARE THE TRUE RACISTS! We need to challenge ALL liberal politicians, liberal media personalities

William Chrysler sent a message to Howard Schultz that said:


We need to challenge ALL liberal politicians, liberal media personalities and liberal academia. They need to ‘personally’ sponsor immigrants in their own homes. Not just six or seven people. Their whole extended family. Finance buying their cars. Co-sign for financing of house mortgages. Help the family Learn our language and find jobs. The liberals need to Lead by setting a sterling example to us worker-bees. It’s that simple. If they don’t, then THEY ARE RACIST IN ACTION AND PRACTICE.

Every ‘on-air’ personality at NPR and PBS, the news departments at NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, the NFL and the entire Democratic Party needs to be challenged. The same goes for local boards of education, teachers, PTAs, college professors and the like.

Why? Because that’s what they are doing to us in our neighborhoods. I’d love to see George Stephanopolis, Geraldo, Jim Acosta, Charles Schumer, Cory Booker, Leslie Marshal, Mika and Joe, Richard Fowler, Maxine Waters, Jessica Tarloff, Wolf Blitzer, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Allison Camoratta and Nancy Pelosi’s response to this challenge. Let them prove their sincerity by their actions. Not just their words. Al Gore could house six entire families in his pool cabana. Unfortunately, THEY ARE THE TRUE RACISTS!

Included in this effort should be all of liberal Hollywood. The stars, the producers, directors, and support staff. Michael Moore, George Clooney, Ellen Degeneres, Alan Alda, Robert DiNero, Ed Asner and Barbara Streisand. Don’t stop there. Include every member of liberal academia.

The folks that I’ve mentioned are all multi millionaires, and they're directing us worker-bees to perform something that they refuse to do themselves. That’s so priceless! The fact that liberals do not practice what they preach proves that THEY ARE THE TRUE RACISTS.

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