I am appalled that you are contributing money to stop medical marijuana in Florida. My – Sheldon Adelson email address

Bonnie sent a message to Sheldon Adelson Chairman and CEO, Las Vegas Sands Corp. – email address that said:

I am appalled that you are contributing money to stop medical marijuana in Florida. My sister has stage 3 colon cancer; my brother-in-law has stage 4 bile duct cancer -- who are you to try to stop them from trying to save their lives by using an oil/product that may have life-saving components? Why would you do this? You seem to think gambling is fine, drinking is fine, anything that makes you money - then get yourself into the medical marijuana business and try helping people for a change instead of just lining your already gold encrusted pockets! I am so mad at you! I will never pay to stay at one of your hotels or visit one of your casinos ever again. You don't care, I'm sure, but this is sickening.

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