I am having trouble securing a ride with Staywell Transportation. The company they are giving – Kenneth Burdick email address

sherry  sent a message to Kenneth Burdick – CEO of WellCare Health Plans – Email Address that said:

I am having trouble securing a ride with Staywell Transportation. The company they are giving me did not show up for the last 4 appointments which had to be cancelled and I am in extreme pain and now have to cancel again since Exquizeek is the only c ompany they will give me. I have filed a complaint/grievance with Staywell and was told it may take up to 6 weeks to get an answer, which I find hard to believe, and not fair that I will have to wait 6 weeks to get to see a doctor. I need to see my Behavioral Doctor as well on March 2 and my primary Doctor on 1/26, which I will have to cancel. This company, Exquizeek, is unprofessional, the driver lied to his manager about my ride, and I do not feel comfortable riding with them. A Ms. M. Bowen is handling and I should not have to wait 6 weeks to get to see a doctor. Any suggestions.

I do not know who to contact within Staywell/Wellcare since no one seems to think it is important enough except for a lady I contacted at customer service yesterday in Tampa.

I thought you would like to be aware of the type of driving company you have on your list. I understand Marion Transit no longer is with your company, which is a blessing since they were always late. I know for a fact you have other companies that pick up people and why they won't give me one of them is beyond me. They said they can't look up another transport company for me only the one that pops up. They did last year and I called them myself to secure a ride to the doctors.

Thank you.

Also, last month I wasted 2 hours of my limited minutes on phones calls and so far this month it has been 1 hour and 50 minutes trying to get help and/or an answer.

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