Jeffrey sent a message to John J. Mulligan Interim President and CEO, Target Corporation that said:
I am reaching out to you as a customer who has exhausted the resources of customer services. They advised that there was no one "higher up" than them. I've closed my red card acct due to continued difficulties with how that account was managed. At the time the account was closed there remained a balance due back to me from Target, which remains unpaid. I contacted customer service again today, was advised first that payment was made, then that it had not... but "a check would be sent today". I asked for a written record of this assertion but this request was denied. At this time the account is delinquent, your organization is not making payment and will not provide written confirmation of good faith verbal representations of the intention to pay. I'm reaching out to you due to the failure of customer service to be able to identify any one else, and apologize if this is best directed to others. I would appreciate your help, either directly or by delegation, to complete this simple transaction. Target has standards for customers paying red card balances and I am asking no more/no less than you expect from me and your other customers. The amount involved is small, but the principal is not. If you can help, I'd be very appreciative. Specifically I'm looking for (a) payment to close out this account and (b) written confirmation of the state of the account, a brief written history of actions taken since the account was closed and a written record of the assurances provided by customer service by phone. I apologize for escalating this but this request was denied at the customer service level. Thank you in advance for your help. Jeffrey