I am sorry dear Mr. Moonves, but I have to write you additional letter ask – Leslie Moonves email address

Irena sent a message to Leslie Moonves President and CEO, CBS Corporation that said:

I am sorry dear Mr. Moonves, but I have to write you additional letter asking you with great trust for huge favour for me.In contrast of my previous letter I am writing now only about "Judge Judy" show since I have to presume that there is no way to change the mode of airing of all your shows in great manner of VIASAT History.Could you change the manner of airing "Judge Judy" episodes so that there is no interruption of episodes with announcement of other shows ? These announcement could be released before and after episodes and no one will be harmed. We viewers shall be watcing show without breaking it down to segments and information of other shows could be given in due time before and after the episode.Yestarday "Judge Judy" 2 episodes were intermitted 7 times; information for show "Babies; Special delivery" during the episodes mentioned was released 2 times and this is really too much. Being Prof. of Physics I could not think that in 45 minutes of lecturing somebody is interrupting me 7 times. Well, I hope for your understranding and help and hope never dies.Respecting tremendeously your great TV channel I remain your faitfull viewerIrena Leljak, Zagreb, CroatiaPS. I installed Intrernational TV net only few months ago.

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