I have been buying sears appliances for 40 yrs. I purchase a stove about 3 – Edward Lampert email address

Virginia sent a message to Edward Lampert – Chairman and CEO of Sears Holdings – Email Address that said:

I have been buying sears appliances for 40 yrs. I purchase a stove about 3 years ago that kept sooting up in the oven. After 5 repairmen couldn't fix it, I figured I got a lemon so I got in touch with my attorney general. To make a long story short after many emails letters phone calls, your consumer complaint people said they had an engineer check these stoves out and did indeed find that it had a problem. After I was without a stove for 6 months I purchased a new one, because your people said they wouldn't do anything for me. Then when they found the problem they said oh well to bad you got rid of it, nothing we can do even though there was a problem with it. I paid $900 for stove and they wanted to give me $99. I will never go into a Sears store again. Your consumer service stinks!

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