I have bought Samsung Galaxy 8+ and there was some manufacturing defect, ie., dots in – Lee KunHee email address

RAJASEKAR S sent a message to Lee Kun-Hee Chairman, Samsung email address that said:

I have bought Samsung Galaxy 8+ and there was some manufacturing defect, ie., dots in the screen corner. When I approached the nearest service centre for replacement, they refused to replace and finally they serviced the same. Now there are another two defects after the service. I contacted the Samsung support team and also did live chat again. They told me to approach the service centre again saying this is the normal process. Now service centre is saying 6 months warranty is over and asked me to pay if I like to service the mobile. This attitude is made me to dislike the Samsung brand and I am total y upset. I dont have any option and youre my final destination to solve this. Please look in to this. hope you will resolve this issue

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