I have recently viewed the anti-muslim letter that mark parker released, and i am curious – Mark Parker email address

Billy Suggs sent a message to Mark Parker President and CEO, Nike, Inc. - email address that said:

I have recently viewed the anti-muslim letter that mark parker released, and i am curious why such un-American comments were not made in 2011 when then POTUS Obama issued the same executive order banning the exact same muslim countries....

Could it be because Nike supports radical liberalism? Because Nike is really uneducated on the matter but saw an opportunity to take advantage of the American security crisis and profit? Or maybe Nike is just anti-American like our previous presidential administration and are looking at profiting on the situation. Either way, as a life long Nike consumer, but 100% American, my family and I will no longer buy anything Nike. Look forward to you reply, but doubt i will ever get one.


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