I have thought of a MULTI-BILLION $$$ invention. To make gamestop quadrouple its revenue it – J Paul Raines email address

Lucas sent a message to J. Paul Raines – Chief Executive Officer of GameStop Corporation – Email Address that said:

I have thought of a MULTI-BILLION $$$ invention. To make gamestop quadrouple its revenue it needs to take control of the playstatiln and xbox/ microsft stores. I think gamestop needs to ask Sony and Microsoft if you can buy games from other users and resell them this will be beneficial to everyone.
You will make money obviously (Keep in mind you wont need stores and you will need less employes).
Sony would also take like 10% profit or whatever they charge on the initial game and keep in mind of the game keeps getting resold sony will make a ton more money.
Ok now on to the game makers they will also make more money because now more people will buy there games and that means more peoples will buy DLC's. I know your probaly thinking that the gamemakers will loose money but they wont because first someone had to buy the game for the asking price and when that person sells it online to you and you resell it (keep in mind the buyer of the resold game couldve gotten that price at a gamestop store so technically the game company will make at least the same but they will also make more money because of most people rebuying the DLCs.
I see no flaw in this idea because everyone makes money and the public will be able to spend more than before because they will get the game cheap allowing them to think i only spent half on the game so i have extra to buy DLCs and if they sell the game the DLCs basically dissapear and the next buyer will most likely rebuy the DLCs.
I hope you got this because I spent an hour on just writing this. The reason its sloppy is because im 15 years old. I really hope you read this and take my advice also if you do read this and use my idea or just like it or if you have a question my email well you have it so once again thank you.

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