I just received my bill yesterday and was stunned to see that it is now – Thomas M Rutledge email address

Cindy Buchert sent a message to Thomas M. Rutledge Chief Executive Officer and President of Charter Communications, Inc. Email Address that said:

I just received my bill yesterday and was stunned to see that it is now over 200 dollars. I have been a loyal customer since 1985! I am paying for channels I dont ever watch. My DVR will almost twice a week have to be rebooted and comes up with DVI. I have probably paid twice or more for a DVR box. I have problems with the phone. It sometimes will read that I have voice mail and I dont have voice mail account. Its not fair that new customers get discounts but existing customers pay a higher price. Also why cant we pay for just the channels we want to watch? Im seriously considering dropping several of the services to bring my price down! Thank you for taking the time to read this and perhaps consider lowering your prices especially for long term customers!

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