i recently recieved a sony product as a giftit is a clock/speaker/iphone dock (ICFCS15ipn) to – Kazuo Hirai email address

John Charlton Ross sent a message to Kazuo Hirai President and CEO, Sony Corporation - email address that said:

i recently recieved a sony product as a giftit is a clock/speaker/iphone dock (ICFCS15ipn) to go with my iphone 7 my dad got me as a gift. he bought me the iphone because it would be easyer for me to use due to having a fairly massive stroke a few weeks ago. due to the stroke my eye hand co-ordination in seriously deminished so i tend to drop things , it is very frustrating and i need to be able to have . a protective case for my ipnone, imagine my suprise when i get my dony dock and find out it as designed to only be used without any case at all i am very suprised that a company like sony iether didnt think the design through or failed to realise people use cases on thier phones. you could have an adaptor to make this work with a case or at the very least included a usb port in the design to allow people with cases to use this product with thier phones without having to sacrafice the safty of their devices, i know you probably do not do much with the products themselves but perhaps you might know somone who knows a work around for this problem or at least keep this in mind for future designs.
thank you.
ps i appologise for any misspellings or poor typing due to my stroke have a wonderful weekend

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