I recently used your airline to fly to Las Vegas Nv from Chicago, IL, Jan – Gary Kelly email address

Leslie Vaicik sent a message to Gary C. Kelly Chairman, President, and CEO, Southwest Airlines Co. email address that said:

I recently used your airline to fly to Las Vegas Nv from Chicago, IL, Jan 1, 2018. It was about a third of the way into the flight when the flight attendant asked if there was any medical personnel aboard. I immediately removed my seat belt and went to the front of the plane. The attendant stated there is to be only one person up front. The gentleman that got there before me said he was an EMT (emergency medical technician) and I sated I was an RN (registered nurse). I proceeded to assess the situation and determined that the passenger was going into a diabetic coma. I instructed the male flight attendants what I needed from them. The female flight attendant was attempting to call a Doctor. While all this going on the male flight attendants were very calm and helped in this critical situation. The female attendant was extremely nervous and flustered and was shouting out to me what the Doctor was asking her, she made the situation more diffucult. There was another nurse that had came to offer help but the female attendant sent her back to her seat. I think you need to change your policy if there is a medical emergency of any sort and there is more then one medical personnel aboard they should be the ones to speak with the Doctor and handle the situation. This would have calmed the patient and the passengers around the area where this was happening. The female flight attendant just made the situation a lot more diffucult to handle. Please reconsider how these type of situations can be handled in a much calmer atmosphere. In fact there were three nurses aboard the flight and the EMT.

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