I used paypal at my own risk…here are the messages thru facebook …which apparently – Daniel H Dan Schulman email address

patti schissler sent a message to Dan Schulman President and CEO of PayPal Email Address that said:

I used paypal at my own risk...here are the messages thru facebook ...which apparently are safer than trusting paypal
There was an attempt by Paypal on 1-8-18 to charge my debit card 796.00 which is a fraudulant card. My bank stopped it from going thru and contacted me. Now I had to go to the bank and destroy my card and order a new one...I am without a card for 5 to 7 days
I want to know where the charge originated from.
I tried calling your customer service and was advised the hold time is 53 MINUTES
1 888 221 1161
please advise
I want an explanation and some compensation for my significant inconvenience.
this is as bad as calling..
where are you
I guess I will have to contact Dan Schulman directly
I have now messaged him as well....lets see if either of you reply.
Hi Patti. I sincerely apologize for the delay in getting back to you. At this time, could you please provide me with a screenshot of this transaction within your PayPal account, and the country your PayPal account is registered in? It would be really appreciated. ~Manuel
It didnt get thru. My bank stopped it . 796.00. Im in the USA. Attempted transaction was Jan 8th.
Thanks for clarifying that, Patti. Do you know if this transaction was initiated through your PayPal account though? ~Manuel
That is what the bank manager saw when I saw here yesterday around 330 pm. The attempt was made by pay pal and the bank caught it before it could hit. Yet to avert another attempt I had to cancel the card and now wait for a new one. I cant access my own money
And now it will be a holiday weekend and Monday. MLK Day
Hi Patti. I definitely understand that having this situation reviewed important, so at this time, I have gone ahead and escalated your case to one of our customer service specialists. They should be getting back to you and further assisting you in regards to this matter. ~Manuel
this makes me want to never use paypal again and I would advise family and friends to do the same.
Hi, Patti. Thank you for reaching out to us, and Im sorry to hear your card was attempted to be used on PayPal without your authorization. Im glad that your bank caught the charge and prevented it from being processed. While I would be unable to tell you how the card information was compromised, the extent of the information provided by PayPal would be the name used on the attempted transaction. However, in order to do that we would ask that you provide the full card number. (Continued...)
Because social media is considered an unsecured platform, we wouldnt want to request that information here, and would instead ask that you call in to provide that information. I know the hold times are long, and I cant apologize profusely enough for that. We are actively working to minimize hold times and resolve all customer concerns as quickly as possible. If you have any other questions about PayPal and/or your account I could help answer, please let me know. Thanks, Travis.
I am not using the time on my phone to hold for 53 minutes or more...I will again provide the information here...this i s safer than pay pal apparently. You may then email me that information at pattischissler@yahoo.com.
I have also deleted my banking information from your site. The card number 5102 7778 9179 5352 exp 3/20 is now also CLOSED thanks to paypal... Please contact me asap...before I have my bank pursue charges
I want the name
Thank you for that information, Patti. As it turns out, Im limited in the information I can provide through social media or email to a member. This is why we ask for customers to call in to submit this type of request. Im afraid even with the card number through this venue, I would be unable to answer the question youre asking. If your card was charged, I would strongly recommend that your bank pursue any type of claim that is warranted. I want you to be protected. With that being said, please delete the most recent message as a card number (open or closed) should not be shared here. Thanks, Travis.
Seen by PayPal at 3:22pm
the card is now useless...I was advised by the bank to contact PayPal and obtain the information....I am not calling...unless Paypal is going to reimburse me for the minutes used on my plan while I am on hold. ...Email the information thru the message center on your own site, PayPal....if you do not then I will note this as a refusal and will contact Dan Shulman directly . Since he is CEO Im sure he will want to be made aware of the lack of service I am receiving....

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