In trying to deal with your company during the last 15 minutes, it did not – James Meyer email address

David Eichhorn sent a message to James E. Meyer CEO, Sirius XM Radio Inc. email address that said:

In trying to deal with your company during the last 15 minutes, it did not give me a very favorable impression of the people you have working for you.
The problem is that my son truck has Sirius XM in it. He is currently stationed in Iraq. The truck is being stored at my home and it is not being used.
I called and asked if he could renew his subscription when he gets back. This prompted me to be treated like a ping pong ball by your agents. After talking to three people and waiting on hold to talk to a fourth, the call was disconnected.
When I was in the military you could judge a commander by the people he had working for him. Im afraid this experience does not cast you or your company in a favorable light to me.
Here is the my sons account number and ESN, maybe you can accomplish this where I could not, good luck.
Acc#: 114661600322
ESN#: 051249392202
My son is due to return in October-November time frame.
David Eichhorn

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