James Dolan – In all of my life I have never ever with a company so poorly managed

DONA LYTTLE sent a message to James Dolan that said:

In all of my life I have never ever with a company so poorly managed. On September 4th at 6:25pm I spoke with Chris and Optimum Representative. I asked that I be placed on Seasonal or do whatever needed to be done for me to be sure that I keep WiFi service for my cameras. Mind you I had this done for me previously, so it should not have been a problem. After going away from the phone for a few minutes he came back and told me he had taken care of it. My next bill which I received a month later was for $223.39. To say the least I was astonished. I called Optimum on Tuesday Oct. 15th and asked to speak with a Supervisor. I was told by Emmel that there are no Supervisors and that he could handle the problem. Well after speaking with him needless to say, he couldn't do anything. However, he assured me that a Supervisor would call me back within 48 to 72 hours. Of course no one ever called me back. So on Friday October 18th, I called Optimum again and was switched to 3 different departments. The last department told me that even though I was placed on Seasonal Sept. 4th as requested, Optimum had taken it upon itself to take me off of Seasonal and put me back on full service. I finally was able to speak with someone who I believe is fully competent and able to get something resolved. It is now being escalated again to another department, who's Supervisor must take a look and get back to me. In speaking with this Supervisor, she has assured me that she will get back to me on Monday and hopes that the latest it will be resolved is Wednesday Oct. 23rd. I don't understand how you as the CEO of Optimum can allow his name to be affiliated with a company so poorly managed. Maybe your company needs to learn the LEAN process practiced by Toyota. This is not the first time that I have had issues with this company but you can rest assured it will be the last as I have no intentions of keeping Optimum as an Internet provider after this fiasco.

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