Robert Simone sent a message to James Robo that said:
Mr Robo
I know you are a very busy man so I will be brief. I am a POA Board Member and a Tower 300 Board Member at Water glades Condominium on Singer Island.
We would like. To â harden/waterproofâ, at our expense, our FPL vault rooms, which are located on the ground floor of our Towers.
We recently requested, through our local FPL field office, permission to submit a proposal to FPL, for their review and approval, to waterproof our vault room. Our request was denied with no apparent reason given.
Our Board is looking for answers on why FPL will not even consider a proposal that would benefit the 256 residents who live at Water Glades AND FPL. Waterproofing vault rooms is ongoing in the Ontario Canada region and allegedly is happening on the New Jersey shore.
We would like FPL to consider, at our expense, entertaining a proposal from a credible engineering firm to harden our vault room.
Thank you for your consideration.