Yolanda irizarry sent a message to Jeff Dailey that said:
On 10/13/29 at about 6:10 P.M., I was traveling west on Hwy i10 in San Antonio, Texas, when a truck passed me on the right side. Something from the truck hit the right side of my vehicle. The truck driver acknowledged by throwing his hands up in the air and continued driving. He never stop, exited and I followed him. He went faster and turned and left the scene. I was able to get name of company, phone number and the truck number. My vehicle has damage on the passenger's side fender. I reported the incident to Farmers (insurance carrier) and they assigned me claim No. 7000516752-1. Then on 10/15 the change the claim # to 7000525552-1. The adjuster- Tyler Drabek. I was informed by the adjuster to take my vehicle to one of 3 collision centers that worked with Farmers. I chose the one closet to my house. Adjuster informed that I had a $250.00 deductible and the claim was under uninsured motorist. That if they were able to collect from trucking company they would reimburse me the deductible. The collision center made the estimate of damage and asked me to take the vehicle for repair on 10/17. I did, however, we were expecting a thunderstorm with possible hail in our city. Collision center could not guarantee that they would garage my vehicle and they would not be held liable for hail damage. They also wanted me to sign a power of attorney that authorized them to endorse checks issued under my name. Did not feel comfortable and did not leave my car there for repair. I took my vehicle to another collision center on the same street as the previous, and they told me that they would honor the same estimate, they could garage my vehicle and I did not have to sign any power of attorney. I notified adjuster by email. He called me a bit upset and asked me not to interrupt him when he was trying to explain the power of attorney. He then called back and told me that he was changing my claim from uninsured motorist to comp and collision and now my deductible was changing from $250.00 to $500.00. I feel it is unfair that Farmers is changing my claim. Unfair that I am not able to take my vehicle for repair where I want and feel comfortable. Unfair that Farmers is not pursing this claim with the trucking company that caused the damages. Because of these reasons, I am withdrawing my auto insurance, home insurance and rental property insurance upon renewal dates.
Yolanda Irizarry