@jeffdaile57 – Jeff Dailey – Sir Hello My name Is ronnie Hunter and I know that this issue is old

RONNIE HUNTER sent a message to Jeff Dailey that said:

Hello My name Is ronnie Hunter and I know that this issue is old however i have been trying to deal with it to no success I was involved in an auto accident back in August of 2017 and told the agent not to file the claim as i was going to court to dispute it and in court i was found not at fault and bristole west paid it out prior to me going to court and deaming the accident my fault and when i spoke to the represenitive in charge I believe her last name was fisher she told me that there wasnt noting that could be done I have been tring to resolve this issue because i didnt know that it was on my clue report and tried reaching out to mrs fisher again and i dint get a response back there wasnt a investigation conducted to my knowledge all this rep did was took the police report and deemed it my fault I would like to try to get this issue cleared up as it is seriously effecting my insurance Hopefully i can get some feedback from you

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