@JoeKaeser – Joe Kaeser – Adani contract makes you complicit in the climate crisis! Please reverse the Siemens decision to

Jane Lochrin sent a message to Joe Kaeser that said:

Adani contract makes you complicit in the climate crisis!

Please reverse the Siemens decision to support the Adani coal mine and associated railway and other works.

A company the size of Siemens doesn't need this project, but the world does need the air, water, earth and other resources that are likely to be destroyed if this disastrous project goes ahead.

Australia's political leadership has failed to take any action or adopt any plan to bring global warming down to within the 1.5ºC agreed at Paris. Our government is currently supporting around 3–4ºC of warming, so in the face of such cowardice and greed, it falls to the people to take responsibility for meaningful action.

Siemens, will you please stand with us?

It is impossible to exaggerate the suffering and chaos that will ensue if we experience 3–4ºC of warming. We're relying on you to do the right thing. Please refuse to support the Adani project.

Best regards
Jane Lochrin

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