@JoeKaeser – Joe Kaeser – Dear Joe Kaeser I am writing to urge you to find a way to refuse

Margaret Hilder sent a message to Joe Kaeser that said:

Dear Joe Kaeser

I am writing to urge you to find a way to refuse Siemens' support to the proposed Adani coal mine.

I do appreciate your dilemma regarding contractual obligations, but I am convinced that, given the extreme risks posed by the unleashing of such a vast volume of thermal coal into a world already suffering the effects of climate change, you and your legal team can find way to extricate the company from this untenable position.

I am an Australian, living in an area both devastated and threatened by extreme and terrifying bush fires, exacerbated by escalating pollution from the burning of vast volumes of coal. I am fearful that what I, my family and so many others have experienced during this fire season may become a horrifying "new normal".

Siemens is a company with an enviably high reputation - please don't be responsible for letting this happen!

Thank you.

Margaret Hilder

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