Terry Holt sent a message to Samuel Allen that said:
Mr. May my name is Terry Holt from brownsboro texas,I emailed you several months ago about needing a tractor for my disability,you gave that email to Nate Clark and Nate contacted me and help set up a Gofundme page,in which I have got 1200.00 from 3 people I know ,one just gave because he could and the other gave and I know they shouldnât have,so Iâm feeling real guilty about it and Iâm going to give their money back and take down this Gofundme page and let God take care of it,so big shout out to Nate for his kindness,now to you mr.May ,I have contacted over 250 politicians because they raise lots of money to get elected,I have contacted over 160 thriving business and organizations,I have made countless YouTube videos,I have contacted over a 100 Of podcast and celebrities,and you sir is the only one to respond by giving my email to Nate ,I just want to say thanks and may you receive Godâs Blessings for you and your company