July 31, 2017 Re: Best Buy Credit Card Account Jacqueline Losee Dear Mr. Hubert Joly, CEO I have – Hubert Joly email address

Jacqueline Losee sent a message to Hubert Joly President and CEO, Best Buy - email address that said:

July 31, 2017

Re: Best Buy Credit Card Account
Jacqueline Losee
Dear Mr. Hubert Joly, CEO

I have been a good customer with your company since 2015. I enjoy doing business with your company and have been pleased over the years. I am writing to request a “goodwill” adjustment be made to the above-mentioned account with the three major credit reporting agencies.

“This is not a dispute of accuracy of credit reporting under FCRA 611(a) or FCRA 623(a)(8),” or words to that effect.

Although I made a late payments from 2015-2016, I have an excellent payment history otherwise. My monthly payments are always on time. Please consider removing the negative payment reported by your company from my credit reports. The late payments were due to temporary loss of income and it has not occurred since that time. Once I was able to get my health back in order, I started working again and called your company to get back on track. The late payments I am requesting deleted and/or removed occurred from September 2015-July 2016.

These late payments do not reflect my overall good payment history with your company and I would like them removed. I experienced a temporary loss of income due to being hospitalized for several weeks and unable to care for myself for several months. Im currently looking to buy a home with my fiancé for our family and this would help us tremendously.

Again, I really enjoy doing business with your company and hope to continue a satisfying relationship in the future. Please take into consideration my loyalty to your company and work with me to remove these negative marks from my credit reports.

I look forward to hearing from you soon.


Jacqueline Losee

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