Maria Nicholson sent a message to Rodney McMullen that said:
Dear Mr. McMullen, I shop at Fred Myer in Redmond Oregon. Redmond is a pretty small town without a wide variety of options in shopping. I have enjoyed the selection of organic foods at Fred Myer. I purchase Organic Chicken and/or Organic Turkey every week. The past two weeks, these options were not available. I spoke to the Butcher and he advised me that "they" ( I assume that means Kroger) will be eliminating the availability of Organic whole chickens and Organic Turkey. Can you explain to me why this would be your decision? If this is the case, obviously I and many, many others in my community will have to do all our grocery shopping elsewhere. Please let us know if you are aware of this decision, why it might be the case and if you might be going to do something to change it. I look forward to hearing from you as I will not be stopping and going into Fred Myer to the Butcher section to check if the situation has changed. Hearing from you will be my notice to shop Fred Myer again.
Thank you for your time and attention to this issue. In considering you reply, please do consider your own wife, family and your own health. I hope that you have the option and pleasure to shop organic and would not want your family to only have option to factory raised, antibiotic infused, hormone fed staples. Please consider for you or your wife, these options being removed from your one stop grocery store and what your reaction would be. I live in a vibrant, three faze retirement community. We are a little bit rural. On mass, our community will opt to shop elsewhere if not able to find healthy options at Fred Myer.
I am hopeful that you will respond.