@KrogerNews – W Rodney McMullen – Dear Mr. McMullen, I wanted to contact you to tell you about the horrible experience

Alicia Billups sent a message to W Rodney McMullen that said:

Dear Mr. McMullen,
I wanted to contact you to tell you about the horrible experience I had at your Harris Teeter store (#392) Boston Street Baltimore, MD with your produce Manager Kristina of that store as a first time customer. On Sunday June 24, 2018 I went into your store to shop for produce as my friends talk very highly of your produce. I noticed as I was shopping in the produce section that there were bad tomato's, corn, and gooseberry's in which I needed. I proceeded to go up to the produce manager Kristina to ask her for fresh produce that was fresh and had no mold on it. She gave me an attitude and she called me called me a "Fucking Bitch" under her breath because I asked her for fresh produce. This is her job to ensure you have fresh produce out, and if she did her job properly I wouldn't have had to ask her to get me fresh produce! To be spoken to like that is unacceptable and I am very appalled by the quality of people especially in management that think it's okay to use profanity on a sales floor let alone to a customer under her breath. To top it off she then proceeded to talk to another employee on about who she was writing up and why. This is unbelievable on how you have Kristina a produce manager working for you who clearly doesn't care about confidentiality laws let alone speaking to the general public. Then the Assistant Store manager wanted to offer me a $25 gift card for the "poor" customer service. I am so disgusted because it is not about the money for me, it's the principle of the situation. I honestly don't know how you have Kristina a produce manager working for you who doesn't know how to treat customers do her job properly, and doesn't care about confidentiality laws. She should be leading by example, and she is a horrible representation of your company and I will never go back to your stores again.
I will be posting these pictures of all the bad produce and my experience on Google, Yelp, and all other social media that I can to let people know not to come to any of your stores because of my experience. If you would like to see the pictures in which I have taken if it is not up on Yelp, Facebook, twitter, ect before you receive this, I will be more than willing to send them to you.

Best Regards,
Alicia Billups

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