@KrogerNews – W Rodney McMullen – I worked for Kroger for 38 1/2 years. My son has worked for them 20+

Kathy Martin sent a message to W Rodney McMullen that said:

I worked for Kroger for 38 1/2 years. My son has worked for them 20+ yrs. Last year, he worked in England, Ar. They lost his renewal insurance papers, found them weeks later after the deadline in the back room under a pallet. They haven't gotten it fixed, he and his son that lives with him has NO insurance. No one has done ANYTHING ABOUT IT! The union, managers, or human resources has done anything! He HAS NO INSURANCE! If something happens, someone is going to be sued! He has to sleep with a cpap machine and can't buy the supplies. Can you help him. He works at the Cabot,Ar. store 613 in the meat dpt. Timothy Martin is his name.
Thank you
Kathy Martin

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