@larrymerlocvs – Larry Merlo – Dear Mr. Merlo, After CVS debited my account twice for the same check in July

Cynthia B. Hortin sent a message to Larry Merlo that said:

Dear Mr. Merlo,

After CVS debited my account twice for the same check in July 2019 and my bank acted to reconcile that, I began receiving collection notices from TRS
Recovery Services AND having subsequent checks declined by Telecheck.

This account, which my husband and I are on, is actually the checking account for my sister who is completely disabled physically and has lived with us since 2002. She takes numerous medications and it is the CVS pharmacy that I write checks to on her behalf and have been doing so for all these years.
I think doing so is an important paper trail for her records.

The original charge in July was for less than eleven dollars. At this point, I feel like I have spent a thousand dollars in time and aggravation trying to get this sorted out. I spent so much time trying to get someone at TRS in Marietta GA to just answer the phone that I submitted a report to the Better Business Bureau there. When I finally reached a live person, I was told to get my bank to submit a
particular affidavit stating the facts re this matter.
That was my second trip into my very helpful bank
to get that accomplished on December 6, 2019, when they faxed the information to TRS. TRS also said this was all under Telecheck. I have called Telecheck twice, most recently today. Both times, I was told "THEY COULD DO NOTHING" as they have no record of the bank account or any of the transactions. I was so frustrated that my parting remark was that they were, indeed, doing a very good job at "doing nothing."

For several weeks, when I thought things would be getting sorted out after the affidavit was sent, I paid my cash for my sister's relatively low cost prescriptions during that time. However, she now has three prescriptions awaiting pick-up at a cost of over ninety dollars. My husband tried to submit a check a few Dec. 29, 2019; but that was declined. I had instructed him to leave the prescriptions there if that happened.

We like dealing with our CVS branch, which is near our home. The employees there are part of our family network. It is very reassuring to have them overseeing all our prescriptions. We would like that to continue. Therefore, I am asking for your aid tp
help us get this sorted out. We thank you for making yourself available to your customers.

Cinda/Cynthia B. Hortin

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