Edward J. Smith sent a message to Larry Merlo that said:
Larry, I know that you are very busy. However, I have been unable to find resolution from any of your subordinates.In preparation for our November, 14th to Honolulu, Hawaii, my wife and I lined up covid 19 testing at the CVS facility at 5765 East State Road 10 Demotte, Indiana. The state of Hawaii listed this as a trusted site. Hawaii requires a valid negative covid 19 test within 72 hours prior to arriving. CVS had indicated that we would have test results back within 2-3 days. My wife and I both took the tests the same on 11-11-20. My tube would not open at first and I brought this to the attention of the CVS Rep. Regina on site at the dive -in. She replied that was not uncommon and sent out a pair of pliers to remove the lid. She said that is what people have been using. I took my sample and placed it back inside the tube and sealed it. I questioned her if it would be alright and she said it would be fine.My wife received her negative test results on 11-13-20. No test notification was provided to me prior to arriving in Hawaii on 11-14-20. This forced me to be placed on a covid-19 floor at our hotel where you are locked in your hotel room and can't come out. I did not receive any test notification until late 11-15-20. The message indicated tube integrity unacceptable and to contact the Minute Clinic for a reschedule. I spent 45 minutes calling 866-389-2727 before Courtney answered. She said all she could do is try and reschedule an appointment out here which would mean potentially another 4 days of being locked in the hotel room. I tried calling your 1-800-746-7287 CVS Customer Service number but no one picks up. I tried calling several times for up to 50 minutes at a time but nothing. I intent to pursue rapid testing with an organization that I can trust as this has ruined the vacation to say the least. The only thing that I am asking is that CVS return the $ 139.00 that I submitted for this testing. It was not completed through no fault of my own and I have been the one penalized as a result of it. I would appreciate your follow-up. Thank you.
Edward J. Smith
4005 Goodrich Ct.
Valparaiso, Indiana
Cell phone-(219) 617-7520