Dr Dan Kaufman sent a message to Larry Merlo that said:
Mr. Merlo
I am a pharmacist that has been working for CVS in Ventura County part time for over 10 years. About 3 months ago the rules were changed so that every pharmacist must give vaccinations. As a 70 year old pharmacist who besides working at CVS part time I also worked full time for a local hospital where we had nurses giving vaccinations. While I probably could learn to do this I don't really feel comfortable about it. I realize that a lot of shots (Flu, shingles and soon Co-Vid) need to be given there are also a lot of prescriptions to be filled ,checked, counselled, etc. When I was working in early September the day pharmacist at my home store was spending so much time giving shots that when I came in we were several hours behind on getting Rx's done.
I am asking if there is a way I can get back to work to help with that backlog. For example if a store already has 2 8 hour pharmacists if I came in for 4 hours mid day there will always be someone to give the shots but the prescriptions won't get behind. I am writing this because I see a lot of openings for CVS pharmacists in my area and also on the web I see that CVS is hiring a lot of people (mostly techs) because of the Co-Vid crisis
Thank You
Dan Kaufman, Pharm. D