@libertymutual – David Long – April 16, 2020 David H. Long CEO Liberty Mutual Group, Inc. 175 Berkeley St Ninth

Linda Fassett sent a message to David Long that said:

April 16, 2020
David H. Long CEO
Liberty Mutual Group, Inc.
175 Berkeley St Ninth Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
(617) 357-9500
CC/BCC Block: CJ.Mullins@LibertyMutual.com
Enclosure: 1
I am contacting you today regarding a settlement payment for one of your policy holders and the services we rendered on a homeowner’s claim filed in December of 2019. We have to date not received any payment for the services rendered nor will the claims specialist acknowledge the work completed and issue any accurate payment.
Insured: Gordon L Tanner & Eileen Tanner
Property: 9901 Tanner Lane
Wilton, CA 95693-9775
Claim #: 041548458-01

On December 12, 2019 we had received a call from your policy holder with a water loss at their residence. Upon arrival we found that most of the loss was under the residence raised foundation (crawl space). There was 4”- 6” of standing water with many rat carcasses, rat feces in that stagnate water with an extreme foul odor. This loss was categorized as a CAT-3 hazardous waste loss due to the above-mentioned conditions.

For the repair to be made by the plumbing company to stop the source of the intrusion all standing hazardous waste had to be extracted from the crawl space in full PPE for the health and safety of my technicians. During the extraction of said waste my technician found that underside was fully insulated and saturated against the subfloor. The first responders had to remove 3” of contaminated sludge for 15 hours to and treat with antimicrobial for the repairs.
I had made Shelly Harris the assigned adjuster aware of the insulation saturation as well as the categorizing of the crawl space at a CAT-3. My crew had to lay on their back with only a 3’ clearance and cut open the netting holding the wet insulation and remove 160 SF of insulation, bag for disposal prior to getting it out of there. All the while in full PPE and under extreme conditions. In order to get the subfloor, dry that was saturated 100% We manufactured injecta dry chambers to aggressively dry out the subfloor thoroughly before microbial growth could form. We were past the 72 hours it can take for microbial growth to grow. Due to the type of contamination any growth from this point would have been toxic.
Advanced Remediation Services not only did an excellent remediation, drying to industry standards, re-installing all netting and insulation to the crawl space sub-floor and restoration to four affected rooms of the home without ever allowing any microbial growth to populate. In short saving the home and your policy holders a great deal of grief and Liberty Mutual a much smaller payout. We have performed the above- mentioned remediation at industry standards with honesty and integrity. Our plan of action was based on the conditions and discussion when the site was walked with Shelly Harris prior to starting any work. Mr. Mullins has not responded to any correspondence sent rebutting his settlement offer and formal requests to have the claims manager contact the owners of Advanced Remediation Services. Nor has he returned any of the Tanner’s calls which would substantiate our submitted invoice.
We are now formally asking you sir, to have an internal investigation started in regard to all of the above-mentioned areas of concern so that we may receive adequate payment for all of the remediation and restoration services provided to your policy holder.
Mark Hutchason & Joe Stilwell
Owners and President of
Advanced Remediation Services

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