@lowes – Robert Niblock – Hello. My name is Amy, and I teach kindergarten at Madison Elementary School in Warsaw

Amy Swihart sent a message to Robert Niblock that said:

Hello. My name is Amy, and I teach kindergarten at Madison Elementary School in Warsaw, IN. We will be an official STEM (science, technology, engineering, math) school within the next few months, but we have been doing STEM activities for a few years now. I am looking to "spice up" our STEM program for our students. I am a mom of 4 sons (now adults....YIKES!). When my boys were little we enjoyed the craft kits/builds from Lowes. I would love to do some of those with our kindergarten kiddos. As you can guess, the problem is my lack of funds. I am a teacher that pays for almost all of my supplies out of my own pocket. I know it is a LONG shot, but as I often say to my students, "Dream big and go for it." So......do you have any ideas/suggestions? Would Lowes consider partnering with our school? I am all ears to whatever you might suggest.
THANK YOU.............big time!
~Amy School: 574-267-6231 ext 3348
Cell: 574-202-7739

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