@Macys – Terry Lundgren – I have been writing letters to selfish ceos for years HO dare you open the

Diane Ruggiero sent a message to Terry Lundgren that said:

I have been writing letters to selfish ceos for years
HO dare you open the store on Thanksgiving day tearing employees away from their family's and people away from family's to shop for a deal. you 6 figure earning selfish piece of garbage. Macy's used to be a great store I loved it The Miracle on 34th st is totally about how Macys is all about the holiday. We have such little family time any more and you rich CEOS just keep tearing us apart. in the last few years Macys has closed a lot of stores and you want to know why ecause Karma is kicking your ass for what your doing to destroy the holiday of how America was started. I don't see you leaving your family dinner to work no not your fat pockets. You are a disgusting piece of trash. Black Friday should never start on Thursday it should be on Friday like it always was. I write to every CEO of every company that ruins thanksgiving for a lousy buck. you have no family values. I told Toys R US the same thing and karma taught them a lesson they no longer are in business. You know who I never have to write to is the ceos of Marshalls Home goods and T J Max because they do not tear families apart they are closed so guess where I give my business to? just know Karma gets you all you really disgust me so much hope you choke on your pumpkin pie

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