Mark Donegan – Hi, I thought it worth reaching out to you. I am the Finance Director as

Tammy Inglis sent a message to Mark Donegan that said:

Hi, I thought it worth reaching out to you. I am the Finance Director as Somers Forge Ltd. We are a forging company based on the UK. Over the last few years we have been a forging partner for TIMET and have Rolls Royce approvals via TIMET to forge Fan Blades and OGV's. In the current climate, with the Aerospace market decimated TIMET are known to be making mass redundancies. I thought it worth making contact to see if there was any joint benefit in discussing exclusively using Somers forging capacity until the demand for these products returns to more sustainable levels for your Birmingham plant. Please make contact if this is something you would like to discuss further. Regards, Tammy

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