susan shelbourne sent a message to Marc Bolland that said:
I don't suppose for one moment that this e mail will get to you. However, I am trying anyway
Unfortunately, this is a complaint.
My mother, who is 89, ordered her new furniture towards the end of August. We were told the delivery time and a provisional date of 30th October was given. This was then changed to 19th October.
My mother phoned M&S today to double check and was told the date would now be 25th Jan 2021. Lo and behold an e mail arrived this evening to clarify.
My sister phoned this afternoon and after a long conversation was offered £75 compensation. This is almost an insult. The lady on the phone did also offer an emergency sofa however my mother declined. She really does not want the hassle.
I am e mailing because there has been a lack of transparency. We knew this was made to order furniture, however, were not told anything was out of stock. i.e fabric. Both pieces are different fabrics anyway.
I would like this order to be put to the top of the list. I am aware others may be in a similar situation however, most customers are not 89.
This has turned into a very stressful situation for my mother. She is in a catch 22. She does not want to cancel and definitely does not want to go out and look at furniture again.
I am awaiting a call from the management referral team but do not expect satisfaction.
I would appreciate it if you would look into this and arrange a more speedy delivery date, certainly before Christmas.