@marksandspencer – Marc Bolland – I have just been humiliated and reduced to tears in your Aintree stores restaurant. My

Mrs A M Iverson sent a message to Marc Bolland that said:

I have just been humiliated and reduced to tears in your Aintree stores restaurant. My husband and I ordered some food I went to pay with a £20 note. the young girl on the till said "I can't take that" I told her that it was sterling and it was ok. She said "I can't take it it's not plastic and they only have plastic notes in Scotland. I assured her I had just returned from Scotland and that wasn't the case. She said I will check with Manager. To my utter amazement the Manager named Robin came over and said he couldn't take it because it wasn't plastic. I told him that wasn't correct. The young lady on the till said we are not taking it. there was now a long queue and I managed to find enough English money to pay for our lunch. I told the assistant I would take it further to which she replied in a very off hand way you can if you want. I told her that was a bit cheeky and she said I am just telling you you can if you want but we are correct.
I sat down at the table completely embarrassed and in tears. A lady came over and asked me did I need some money to pay for my lunch.

I then googled Scottish £20 notes and it said they were legal tender in England. I showed it to the restaurant Manager who apologised and said " I am not refusing it because it is Scottish I am refusing it because it is not plastic. He could see I was upset and offered me a free lunch which was not what I wanted he apologised and asked was there any thing he could do but the note wasn't plastic.
Could you please advise them that Scottish £20 notes DO NOT EXIST they are not due to be issued until 2020.
I have never been so humiliated and the young lady on the till needs to be told there is just the possibility that the customer might be correct and she needs to lose her attitude.

I await your response.

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