@MarvinJCPenney – Marvin Ellison – Good Evening Mr. Ellison:<br><br>I am a customer of JC Penny\'s and I know just what

Carolyn H. Willis sent a message to Marvin Ellison that said:

Good Evening Mr. Ellison:

I am a customer of JC Penny\'s and I know just what it will take for your sales to increase throughout your JC Penny\'s stores.  You need to update the clothing in the stores.  The fashions that you have does not accommodate the teenagers, younger adults, and mid-adult age customers.  The clothing in the stores are for granny\'s back in the years of the 50\'s, 60\'s, 70s, 80s.  I am 65 years old and when I go into JC Penny\'s to find an outfit, I come out disgusted because everything is so old fashion.  I shop for my little nieces and nephews because I don\'t like the style of clothing that is in the store.  The clothes are so old fashion and not clothing that is up to date.  I find more things to wear in Sears because they have more up to date clothing.  Their jewelry is of better quality and cost less.  My sister bought a 1 Carat Diamond Marquise wedding ring set for $550.  She went to see some other rings at Kay Jewelers and the Jeweler saw her ring and ask to see it.  He noticed that the ring was a Marquise Diamond ring.  He checked it out to make sure that it was real and it was.  He asked her where she purchase the ring and she told him at Sears Department Store in White Oak, Maryland.  The jeweler said that it was worth $3,000 to $6,000 dollars and she only paid $550.00.  He was shock to know that she only paid $550 dollars for that set.  Sears sells real jewelry at a very low cost.  I went to JC Penny\'s to see their rings and their jewelry looked like zirconia stones but cheap zirconia stones.  I went to Sears and purchased myself a ring after I saw my sister\'s ring.  I bought a ring, that is a real diamond ring that was originally $700 that had been marked down twice, and I got it for $99.00 with my bonus points included with the price.  You should check it out.  Change the price of the merchandise in JC Penny\'s.  It is too pricey a lot of it.  Even if you go to the bedding department, it is too pricey.   You lose a lot of younger and middle age customers when the clothing is not up to todays styles and the cost being too high.  Place your items on sale with good sale prices and bonus points.  No matter how much I spend in Sears, I always have bonus points that goes towards my purchase.  Don\'t over price the items.  I would love to shop at JC Penny\'s for my own clothing but the clothing is just too old fashion, so I would go to Sears and find great styles and great sales.  The furniture is too pricey also.  I guarantee you that if you really listen to what I am saying and change the merchandise to fit the younger and mid-adult age, you will get more sales in inventory.  Thank you so very much.

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