Marilyn Chaney sent a message to Marvin Ellison that said:
Mr. Ellison,
I am writing you about a major issue I am having with JCPenney. I am a U.S Army Soldier (retired of 22 Years) stationed in Germany working for the federal government as a federal employee. I truly need your assistance in trying to pay my credit card bill to JCPenney and have been told numerous times I cannot because I cannot share my banking information in the mean time my account is now over due. I am willing to pay via credit card or even in cash but I do not live in the United States. I want to pay the full balance which is $107.00 immediately but cannot. Can you please help me with this issue? As a Soldier and federal employee serving overseas I feel I should not have to endure this.
Thank you Sir for any help you can give!!!!
Ms. Chaney