@masason – Masayoshi Son – Mr. Son,<br>Hi ! I am Mr.Kanoo want to give you a wonderful business proposal

AMAL KISHOR KANOO sent a message to Masayoshi Son that said:

Mr. Son,
Hi ! I am Mr.Kanoo want to give you a wonderful business proposal for investment in the clean alternative renewable energy which ultimately will change the concept of present nature of generation from coal, gas, nuclear, hydro, solar, wind, tidal, biomass, geothermal energy project in the present global market.
Investment compare to other as above is less, time requirement to setup is less. The energy can be sold at very competitive rate USD 0.08 cent to USD 0.14 cent. we have the technology and ready to commence business setup at global level target to achieve initially ONE MILLION MWe within 8 to 10 years from the inception and commencement of business.
We hope we can join hand to build up a business which can solve the problem of Green House Gases
at the same time promote ENERGY FOR ALL at lower energy rate to undeveloped countries of Africa and Asia.
We are in the process of setting up a business house in NEW DELHI, India.
You are welcome to call me / us in New Delhi for further details in this business investment proposal.
Contact details : Amal Kishor Kanoo,
Email : kanooamalk@gmail.com.
Mob : 91 9540107851
Date: November 04, 2015

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