@mercuryins – Gabriel Tirador – Dear Mr. Tirador:<br>I would like to thank Mercury for all their support during my recent

fred luevano sent a message to Gabriel Tirador that said:

Dear Mr. Tirador:
I would like to thank Mercury for all their support during my recent water intrusion issue in our Palm Springs Condo. Your attorneys unfortunately decided not to pursue litigation in this matter due to HOA regulation interpretations which Farmers was denying our claim for water damage caused by their client and I was forced to file a small claims case against the person responsible for the water damage. My losses totaled over $30k and I was able to win my case for $10k but farmers Insurance filed an appeal. I also won the appeal. In light of this settlement I am requesting that Mercury remove the mark in my file to not at fault in this matter. It might behoove Mercury to pursue a separate claim for you to recover your costs. Your Mercury agent Vy Oak was outstanding and did a quality job in doing what she could for us. I did however feel that Mercury Legal should have done more to support my claim against farmers. My Mercury Claim #OY019345-83; My Small Claims case number was INS1500312.
Respetfully Submitted,
Fred Luevano

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